If you are an engineering student or an engineer, you probably know about transistors and how important they are in modern electronics.
But have you ever stopped to think about how important base bias is to how well these devices work? Base bias is the direct voltage applied to the majority-carrier contact of a transistor.
It is essential for controlling the flow of current through the device.
Without the right base biasing, a transistor can't work right, which can lead to strange behavior or even failure.
In this blog post, I'll talk about what base bias is and why it's so important to the way transistors work.
Whether you are a seasoned engineer or just starting out in the field of electronics, you need to understand base bias to do well.
So let's dive in and learn together about the fascinating world of base bias.
Understanding Base Bias and Its Function in Transistors
Formal definition:
The direct voltage that is applied to the majority-carrier contact (base) of a transistor.
Base Bias Method
Biasing a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in a transistor circuit is simple and easy to do with base bias.
This method makes sure that the correct base voltage, VBB, is sent to the base, which then sends the correct base current to the BJT so that it can turn on.
In a "fixed base bias circuit," a base bias resistor RB is connected between the base and a base battery VBB.
This makes sure that the base current of the transistor stays the same for given values of VCC.
Methods to Obtain Zero Signal Base Current
There are several ways to get the zero-signal base current IB that is needed, such as biasing from collector to base, biasing with a collector feedback resistor, or biasing with a voltage-divider.
When this circuit's linear region is looked at, it shows that DC has a direct effect on it.
By applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the base circuit, we can get an equation that shows the relationship between IB and VBB.
If you know VBB and RB, you can use this equation to figure out IB.
Purpose of Bias Resistor
A bias resistor keeps enough current flowing into the base so that the BJT transistor is neither overloaded nor turned off.
The bias resistor keeps the transistor at a certain operating point or DC offset.
Some BJTs have an internal bias resistor to cut down on the number of parts in a design, but external bias resistors are needed to turn BJTs on and off.
A bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT) is a bipolar transistor that has both a base resistor and a base-emitter resistor built in.
With these resistors built into the transistor, BRTs reduce the number of external parts needed and make it easier to set up discrete circuits.
Transistor Biasing
Transistor biasing is the process of giving the transistor a DC voltage so that the emitter-base junction is forward biased and the collector-base junction is backward biased.
This keeps the transistor in its active region so that it can work as an amplifier.
Using coupling and bypass capacitors in the right way will help stop any biasing currents from going into or out of the transistor's base.
The biasing of a transistor lets it work in both analog and digital ways.
Without biasing, BJT amplifiers can't send the right amount of power to the load terminals.
Impact of Biasing on Amplifier Performance
How the base is set up affects how well a transistor amplifier works.
"Class A bias" is the process of setting up an amplifier so that the operating point is in the middle of the straight part of the characteristic curve of the transistor.
Class A amplifiers are biased by putting a DC voltage across the base-emitter junction of the transistor so that their no-signal (quiescent) operating point is on a linear part of the transistor's behavior.
The best value for the bias voltage of a transistor is two times the peak AC output voltage.
If you change the bias voltage of a transistor, the Q-point will also move.
Revolutionize Your Electronics: Harness the Power of Base Bias
Still hard to understand? Let me change the point of view a bit:
Are you sick of your transistors breaking all the time because they act strangely and don't work right? Just look at how amazing the power of base bias is.
Yes, putting a direct voltage on the majority-carrier contact of your transistor can make the difference between smooth, reliable operation and a fiery meltdown.
So why not let go of caution and jump into the wild world of base bias?
Okay, that was just a joke made to look like a TV ad.
Now let's go back to the explanation.
Factors Affecting Base Bias
Temperature Effects on Base Bias
Temperature changes the base-emitter voltage (VBE) and the collector-base reverse, saturation current.
This changes the Q-point of a base bias circuit (ICBO).
As the temperature goes up, VBE goes down at a rate of 2.5 mV/, while ICBO goes up.
This makes the base current IB go up, which forces IC to change, which moves the Q-point of the circuit.
To keep thermal runaway from happening, steps must be taken to make sure that the bias is stable against hFE spread.
Base bias and collector-to-base bias are less affected by changes in VBE than voltage divider bias.
This makes base bias and collector-to-base bias better choices for circuits that need to be stable at different temperatures.
When the Q-point of a bipolar transistor is near the middle of its operating range, it is less affected by changes in temperature.
Calculating Base Resistor Voltage
Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's voltage law are used to figure out what the voltage of the base resistor is in a circuit with a fixed base bias.
The easiest way to bias a transistor is with a fixed base bias circuit.
In this circuit, the base bias stays the same while the transistor is working.
To set up this circuit, you connect a base-bias resistor between the base and a base battery VBB or another source of constant voltage.
If we have a =100 transistor and want to get an emitter current of 1mA, we can use Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's voltage law to figure out how big the base-bias resistor needs to be.
First, we have to find out what VBB is.
We can write: VCC = IB * RB + VBE using Kirchhoff's voltage law.
Since IB is roughly equal to IE/, where IE is the emitter current, is the DC gain of the transistor, and VBE is about 0.7V for silicon transistors, we can write: VBB = VCC - (IE/)*RB - 0.7V.
RB = (VCC - VBB - 0.7V)/(IE/) is what you get when you solve for RB.
You could also use online calculators, such as the Transistor Biasing Calculator by Omni Calculator.
This calculator only works with bipolar junction transistors (BJT), and it offers different ways to set the bias, such as fixed base bias biasing, collector feedback biasing, emitter feedback biasing, and voltage divider biasing.
To use this calculator for the fixed base biasing method, you can put in known values like the supply voltage (VCC), the desired collector current (IC), the DC gain (), and the saturation voltage (VCEsat).
The calculator will give you results like emitter current (IE), collector resistance (RC), emitter resistance (RE), and base resistance (RB).
Methods for Providing Bias for a Transistor
There are many different ways to give a transistor a bias.
Among them are:
- Base Bias or "Fixed Current Bias" is not a very good method because bias voltages and currents do not stay the same while the transistor is working.
- Base Bias with Emitter Feedback: This method keeps the dc operating point stable even if the resistance changes as the temperature changes.
- Base Bias with Collector Feedback: This method's name comes from the fact that since RB is based on collector, there is a negative feedback effect that makes it more stable than base bias alone.
- Collector-to-Base Bias: In this method, a bias voltage is put between the transistor's collector and base.
This method gives a stable bias voltage and can be used in circuits that need stability in temperature.
- Voltage Divider Bias: In this method, the base voltage is set with a voltage divider network made of two resistors.
Advanced Techniques for Base Bias
Base bias is an important way to get bipolar transistors to work in their linear region, which is needed for amplification.
But base bias circuits are sensitive to changes in temperature and transistor parameters, which can cause changes in collector current that are hard to predict.
To make base bias better, people have come up with other ways to make it more stable and predictable.
In this article, we'll talk about advanced techniques for base bias, such as emitter-feedback bias, emitter bias, voltage divider bias, and common base bias for mixing and multiplying signals.
Emitter-Feedback Bias
Emitter-feedback bias is a way to set up a transistor that uses both emitter feedback and base-collector feedback to keep the collector current stable.
In this method, an emitter resistor is added to the base-bias circuit.
This makes the base-bias more predictable by creating negative feedback, which cancels out any change in collector current caused by a change in base voltage.
Emitter-feedback bias is better than base bias because it makes the base bias more stable and less sensitive to changes in temperature and the parameters of the transistor.
This method does this by using negative feedback from the emitter resistor, which makes these changes less noticeable.
Emitter Bias
Emitter bias is very stable even when the temperature changes, and it uses both a positive and a negative supply voltage.
In a common emitter BJT transistor, the emitter is connected to ground, so the input voltage is measured at the base with respect to ground (the emitter), and the output voltage is measured at the collector with respect to ground (the collector) (emitter).
Emitter biasing can make the Q-point of an amplifier's active region more stable by making sure that the base of the transistor is always biased correctly.
It is better than base biasing because it keeps the bias stable.
Voltage Divider Bias
The base bias circuit is less stable than the voltage divider bias circuit.
The base voltage, which is not related to the collector voltage, is set by a voltage divider network in this circuit.
This makes it so that changes in the collector voltage and the parameters of the transistor have less of an effect on the bias point.
Most of the time, the output impedance of a voltage divider is much higher than that of a base bias circuit.
This makes the voltage divider more stable.
Base Bias
Base bias circuits are easier to make and have fewer parts than voltage divider bias circuits, but they are less stable.
The base bias voltage is directly linked to the collector voltage.
If the collector voltage or parameters of the transistor change, the base bias voltage will also change, making the circuit unstable.
Common Base Bias for Signal Mixing and Multiplication
To mix and multiply signals in a common base circuit, a nonlinear element like a diode or an active device like a transistor or FET is given the right amount of bias.
This happens when two signals are sent through a nonlinear element.
At the sum and difference frequencies of the original signals, two new signals are made on new frequencies.
Using an emitter-bias configuration with a bypass capacitor is one way to set up a common base circuit for mixing and multiplying.
A voltage-divider bias configuration with a bypass capacitor is another way to do it.
In short, base bias has been made more stable and predictable through the use of new techniques.
Even when temperature and transistor parameters change, emitter-feedback bias and emitter bias keep the bias very stable.
Base bias is less stable than voltage divider bias, and base bias is used to mix and multiply signals.
Base-Collector Junction and Base-Emitter Voltage Drop
In a bipolar junction transistor, the junction between the base and collector is always reverse biased.
This means that a high reverse bias voltage can be applied to the junction before it breaks.
The reverse bias voltage acts as a forward bias for minority carriers in the base, speeding them through the base-collector junction and into the collector region.
When both the emitter-base and collector-base junctions are forward-biased, current flows from the emitter to the collector.
This lets the transistor do its job.
In this state, called saturation, both junctions are biased forward, and the voltage between the base and emitter is at least 0.7V for silicon transistors or 0.3V for germanium transistors.
Base-Emitter Junction Biasing
The forward bias voltage drop across the base-emitter junction affects how a transistor works by lowering the barrier at the emitter-base junction.
This lets more carriers get to the collector and increases the flow of current from the emitter to the collector and through the external circuit.
For a transistor to work as an amplifier, each of its junctions must be changed by a voltage that comes from outside the transistor.
The first PN junction, which is between the emitter and the base, is biased in the forward direction.
The second PN junction, which is between the base and the collector, is biased in the opposite direction.
To turn on a transistor, the forward voltage drop from base to emitter (VBE) must be greater than zero, usually around 0.6V.
For a transistor to work, the base-emitter diode must be biased forward.
When VBE is higher than 0.6V, transistors work in active mode and boost signals.
When VBE is less than 0.6V, on the other hand, transistors are in a state called "cutoff mode," in which no current flows through them.
For a transistor to be in reverse active mode, the voltage at the emitter must be higher than the voltage at the base, which must be higher than the voltage at the collector.
Base Biasing Techniques
Different base biasing methods, such as emitter-feedback bias and voltage divider bias, can be used to stabilize the collector current and make it easier to predict.
The collector current is kept steady with emitter-feedback bias by using both emitter and base-collector feedback.
When an emitter resistor is added to the base-bias circuit, the effect of changes in temperature and the parameters of the transistor are lessened.
This makes emitter-feedback bias more stable than base bias alone.
Voltage-divider bias uses a voltage-divider network to set the base voltage, which is independent of the collector voltage and gives high bias stability.
This setup is more stable than base biasing because it doesn't use a second power supply, which can cause problems.
The current gain, e, of a transistor is equal to the collector current divided by the base current.
This means that a small amount of base current can control a much larger collector current, which is the basis of how a transistor works.
For a collector current to flow, all three parts of the transistor must be forward biased.
This means that a current must be driven into the base for conduction to take place.
The collector current of a transistor goes up when the forward-bias voltage goes up.
Base-Collector Voltage Limitations
How high the base-collector voltage can go before the emitter bias stops working depends on the transistor being used and its specifications.
Most of the time, the manufacturer will list the maximum base-collector voltage (Vbc) rating for a transistor.
This rating can be anywhere from a few volts to several hundred volts.
When the voltage between the base and collector goes above the maximum rating, the transistor can break down and possibly be damaged for good.
But the emitter bias can still work within the safe operating range of the transistor even if the base-collector voltage is higher than the maximum rating.
Calculations and Analysis of Base Bias
Calculating Load Resistance in Base Biasing
In a BJT base resistor bias circuit, the load resistance can be calculated using the formula R L = (V CC - V BE) / I E, where V CC is the voltage from the power supply, V BE is the voltage across the base-emitter junction, and I E is the emitter current.
This formula helps figure out how many bias resistors are needed for a certain amount of emitter current.
Voltage Divider Bias Configuration
Using Thevenin's Theorem, you can find the bias configuration for a voltage divider.
In this method, two resistors are connected in series between a power source and ground, and one resistor is connected to the base of the transistor.
In this set-up, the load resistance is usually the next part of the circuit or a source of current.
The bias resistors can be calculated using the formula R1 = (V CC - V BE) * R2 / V BE, where R1 is the resistor between the base and the voltage divider, R2 is the other resistor in the voltage divider, and V BE is the voltage across the base-emitter junction (usually around 0.6-0.7V for a silicon transistor).
Collector Feedback Bias Configuration
In the collector feedback bias configuration, an emitter current is set by putting a resistor between the collector and base of a transistor.
This way gives feedback and keeps the bias point steady.
Ohm's Law can be used to figure out the load resistance, and the voltage drop across the collector resistor can be used to figure out the collector voltage.
Keep in mind that there are other ways to bias a BJT circuit, and the method you choose will depend on what the circuit needs.
Collector Feedback Bias Circuit
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Use cases
Used in: | Description: |
Amplifiers: | In amplifier circuits, base bias is used to set the Q-point, which is the level at which the transistor works. By changing the bias voltage, engineers can control the amplification factor and make sure the signal coming out stays in the range they want. |
Turning on and off: | In switching circuits, where transistors are used to turn on and off electrical signals, base bias is also very important. In this case, the bias voltage controls the threshold voltage needed to turn on the transistor. This lets the circuit switch between being on and off. |
Sources of power: | In power supply circuits, base bias is used to make sure that the output voltage stays stable and in the right range. By setting the bias voltage to a certain level, engineers can control how much current flows through the device and stop the voltage from going up and down. |
Oscillators: | In oscillator circuits, base bias is used to keep the frequency of the device at the right level. Engineers can make sure that the oscillator makes a steady waveform by changing the bias voltage. |
Sensor circuits: | In sensor circuits, where transistors are used to detect changes in voltage or current, base bias can also be used. Engineers can control how sensitive and accurate the sensor is by setting the bias voltage to a certain level. This lets the sensor pick up on even small changes in the input signal. |
In the end, base bias is an important part of how a transistor works that can't be ignored.
Proper base biasing is important for reliable performance because it controls the flow of current and keeps the device stable.
But it's also important to think about what base biasing means for electronics in general.
As our world becomes more and more dependent on technology, we need to think carefully about how we design and use these devices to keep their effects on the environment and our communities to a minimum.
By using the ideas of base bias in our design and production processes, we can make electronics that are not only useful but also environmentally friendly and good for society.
As engineers and technologists, it's our job to think about how our work affects everyone, and base bias is just one small part of that.
So let's keep pushing the limits of what's possible while keeping the big picture in mind.
Links and references
Transistor Biasing and Output Bias Voltages:
Bipolar transistor biasing:
Solid State Devices Lecture 18:
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