Bench Hook Basics: An Engineer'S Guide

As an engineer or engineering student, you're probably used to hearing about the newest high-tech gadgets and cutting-edge innovations.

But sometimes the most useful tools are the ones that are the easiest to use.

Enter the bench hook - a humble device that has been a staple in woodworking shops for centuries.

Even though it may not be the most exciting tool in the shed, the bench hook is an important piece of equipment for any woodworker, and its versatility makes it a valuable addition to any engineer's toolkit.

In this post, I'll talk about everything you need to know about bench hooks, from their different types and designs to how to use them effectively and safely.

So, whether you're an experienced woodworker who wants to learn more or an engineer who wants to know how this time-tested tool works, read on to learn more about bench hooks.

What does bench hook mean?

Formal definition:

A bench hook that is used to fasten work in place, often by means of a screw.

A bench hook is a simple woodworking appliance used to keep a workpiece in place while crosscutting with a hand saw.

It is a simple tool that keeps the object from sliding to the back of the workbench and lets you make precise cuts.

Backsaws, like tenon saws and dovetail saws, are often used with bench hooks.

Design and Features

Bench hooks usually have a bed that is 7 to 9 inches wide and 5 to 12 inches long.

The bed sits on top of the workbench and protects it from the saw.

One of its two battens is used to hook it to the workbench, and the other batten keeps the workpiece steady by acting as a fence.

The first stop or fence is fixed across the top of the bed.

It doesn't go all the way across the bed, so its end can be used as a guide while sawing.

Revolutionize Your Engineering Projects with Bench Hook Technology

Still hard to understand? Let me change the point of view a bit:

Are you sick of using high-tech tools to do your work? Do you sometimes wish that your engineering projects were more simple and rustic? The bench hook is the perfect tool for an engineer who wants to go back in time and use the "screw" technology of the old days.

Yes, you can forget about the latest gadgets and cutting-edge innovations.

With a bench hook, all you need is a screw and some good old-fashioned elbow grease to hold your work in place.

Who needs fancy technology when the bench hook is a simple tool that gets the job done?

Okay, that was just a joke made to look like a TV ad.

Now let's go back to the explanation.

Introduction to Bench Hooks

Even though there are different kinds of bench hooks with different looks and uses, they all have the same basic shape.

Basic Design

The workpiece sits on the bed of a bench hook, which is usually 7 to 9 inches wide and 5 to 12 inches long.

The first stop, which is also known as the fence, is attached to the top of the bed.

Most of the time, this stop doesn't go all the way across the bed, so the end of it can be used as a guide while sawing.

Types of Bench Hooks

Bench hooks come in different styles and serve different purposes.

Some are versatile and can be used to cross-cut and shoot small pieces of wood, while others are better for certain tasks.

Here are a few different kinds of bench hooks:

  • The Japanese Bench Hook is a simple piece of wood that hooks over the edge of a workbench.

With a Japanese saw, it is used to make cross-cuts and rips.

  • Notched Bench Hook: This is like a Japanese bench hook, but the bed has a notch cut in it so that a saw blade can fit through.

It is used to cut straight lines.

Traveling Bench Hook: A small bench hook with a handle that lets it be carried in a toolbox.

It is ideal for use on job sites or in smaller workspaces.

  • Magnetic Bench Hook: This kind of bench hook holds the piece in place with magnets.

It can hold small pieces or pieces with odd shapes.

In short, a bench hook is a simple and useful woodworking tool that makes cutting wood more accurate and safer.

There are different kinds of bench hooks with different looks and uses that can be changed to fit different tasks and roles in makerspaces or workshops.

They are usually made of hard wood to make them last longer, but scrap wood can also be used.

If you want to make your own bench hook at home, you can do so with simple tools like hand saws and drills.

Materials and Making of Bench Hooks

Bench hooks are usually made from hard woods like oak, maple, and cherry, or soft woods like pine and cedar.

But different people may choose different materials based on their tastes and needs.

Some of the things that could affect the choice of material for a bench hook are its durability, availability, cost, and how easy it is to use.

Making a Bench Hook

Building a bench hook is easy, and you only need a few tools and supplies.

Here are the steps to make a simple bench hook:


  • Old scraps of wood.
  • Screws or wood glue that sticks well.
  • Hand saw.
  • Hand drill with a small brad-point bit.
  • Countersink.

Middle box.

  • Brace with a 3-Jaw Chuck and a driver bit.
  • Clamps.
  • Woodworking vise.


Find a board or plank for the platform and decide how long and wide it should be.

Cut the hook to the width of the platform and the fence to be a little shorter than the platform.

Next, attach them to the ends and sides of the platform with wood glue.

You can also use three pieces of scrap wood that are held together with screws or strong wood glue.

Part A acts as the fence, Part B is the base, and Part C is the hook.

  • You can sand it down after putting it together if you want to, but it's not necessary.

There’s also no need to apply a finish.

The only thing left to do is take a sharp block plane and smooth out any sharp edges that might catch on your workpiece.

Making a Bench Hook Out of Foam

Foam can be used to make a hook for a bench, but it may not be the strongest material for this purpose.

Foam tool organizers and tool foam sheets are made of cross-linked, closed-cell foam that is made to resist water and harsh chemicals and oil.

But the foam used for couch cushions or plyometric boxes might not work for a bench hook.

Rogue Foam Plyometric Boxes are firm enough to do plyometric exercises on, but soft enough that if you miss, they won't hurt your shins.

One of the benefits of using foam as a material is that it is light, which makes it easy to move and work with.

Foam can also stand up to water and harsh chemicals, which makes it a great material for organizing tools.

Foam can also be cut to fit specific tools or pieces of equipment, making sure they don't get damaged while being moved or stored.

One problem with using foam as a material is that it doesn't last long.

Some types of foam are made to be used and abused a lot, but others may break down over time or lose their shape if they are used a lot.

Foam might also cost more than materials like wood or plastic.

Lastly, some types of foam may not work for certain tasks because they are too soft or don't have enough rigidity.

In the end, foam could be used to make a bench hook, but it might not be the most durable choice.

Bench hooks are usually made of hardwoods or softwoods because they last a long time and are easy to find.

But foam can be used to make tool organizers, and it can be changed to fit different needs.

How to Use a Bench Hook

Using a Bench Hook: Basic Steps and Tips

A bench hook is a useful tool for woodworking that lets you keep a piece of wood in place while you cut or shape it.

Here are some simple steps to follow when using a bench hook:

  • Place the bench hook on the workbench: To use a bench hook, simply set it on the bench and push it forward until the heel catches the edge of the bench.
  • Place the workpiece on the bench hook.

Once the bench hook is in place, place the workpiece on top of it and push it against the stop.

  • Secure the workpiece.

Use a clamp or vise to secure the workpiece to the bench hook.

This will keep it from slipping or moving while you use it.

  • Start cutting.

Once the workpiece is in place, you can use the right tool to start cutting or shaping it.

  • Clean and store the bench hook: After use, wipe the bench hook down with a clean cloth to remove any sawdust or other debris that may have accumulated on it.

Put the bench hook somewhere dry to keep it from getting rusty.

Tips for Maintaining a Bench Hook

Here are some tips to follow to make sure your bench hook lasts and works well:

  • Keep it clean and free of debris: After use, wipe the bench hook down with a clean cloth to remove any sawdust or other debris that may have accumulated on it.
  • Use a hard wood for the bed.

To keep the bed of the bench hook from warping over time, use a hard wood like oak or maple.

  • Secure the stop or fence.

Screws or dowels should be used to attach the stop or fence to the bed of the bench hook.

If it comes loose over time, put it back on right away so you don't hurt the workpiece or yourself.

  • Use a light touch: Only use a light touch when holding down the piece of work.

If you put too much pressure on the workpiece, it could move or break.

Safety Tips for Using a Bench Hook

It's important to take safety precautions when working with any mechanical instrument or panel to avoid accidents and injuries.

Here are some tips on how to use a bench hook safely:

  • Keep your fingers away from the saw blade: When using a bench hook, you should always keep your fingers away from the saw blade.
  • Use a sharp blade: Use a sharp blade and avoid using excessive force when cutting.
  • Secure the workpiece.

Use a clamp or vise to hold the workpiece in place on the bench hook so it doesn't slip or move while you're using it.

  • Wear the right personal protective equipment: Always wear the right personal protective equipment, like safety glasses or goggles, to protect your eyes from flying objects.

In conclusion, a bench hook is a useful and versatile woodworking tool that can make it easy to do basic woodworking tasks.

By following these simple steps and tips, you can use your bench hook for many years in a safe and effective way.

The Bench Hook - the Best Jig for Perfect Sawcuts

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Bench hook uses


With a bench hook, you can hold a piece of wood in place while you saw it.

The hook is put on the edge of the workbench, and the wood is put against it.

The hook acts as a stop to keep the wood from moving.

This lets you use the saw with both hands, making it easier to cut straight and less likely to hurt yourself.


A bench hook can also be used to hold a piece of wood securely while chiselling or carving it.

By putting the wood against the hook and using a chisel, the woodworker can make intricate designs or carve out precise shapes.


You can also use a bench hook to hold a piece of wood in place while sanding it.

The hook acts as a stop, keeping the wood from moving while the sandpaper is being used.

This makes the job of sanding smoother and more even.


You can also use a bench hook to hold a piece of wood in place while planing it.

The hook is put on the edge of the workbench, and the wood is put against it.

The hook acts as a stop to keep the wood from moving.

This lets the plane job be straighter and more even.


With a bench hook, you can hold a piece of wood steady while you drill it.

By putting the wood against the hook and clamping it in place, the woodworker can make sure the hole is straight, stop the drill bit from slipping, and reduce the chance of getting hurt.


Small pieces of metal or wire can be held in place while soldering with a bench hook.

The hook acts as a third hand to hold the metal or wire still while the solder is being applied.


In a world where technology seems to be getting better and better all the time, it's nice to learn that some of the best tools have been around for hundreds of years.

The bench hook is not a high-tech tool or a new idea, but it has been around for a long time because it is simple and useful.

From its humble beginnings in woodworking shops, the bench hook has become an important tool for engineers and people who like to do their own projects.

The bench hook is useful, but it also serves as a reminder that sometimes the simplest solutions are the best ones.

So, the next time you have a problem, try taking a step back and looking for a simple, elegant solution, like the bench hook.

Links and references

"The Anarchist's Tool Chest".

"The Essential Woodworker".

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